Info & Register

Winter Free Agent Registration

  • League: WRHL
  • Season: Winter 2024/2025
  • Opens: August 25, 2024 at 12:01pm CDT
  • Closes: October 1, 2024 at 11:59pm CDT
  • Spots remaining: 24

Register Now


Congratulations, you've reached unrestricted free agency. Start here with your first contract and who knows, you may be signing an NHL deal in no-time. 

Join as a solo free agent. Or guarantee you are placed on the same team as a buddy or multiple buddies! 

Season Details

  • 22 game minimum (20 regular season games)
  • 2-7 playoff games included at no additional cost
  • 3x15 minute periods
  • End of September  - April 
  • Most games out of Hockey For All Centre, with a handful of games played at Seven Oaks, Gateway, Maples, U of M, or the Rink
  • Variety of game nights


  • WRHL Jersey & Socks are included in your fees if you are placed on a WRHL Free Agent team!
  • Based on team of 16 skaters + 1 goalie
  • Option to register as a "package deal" with other friends who are guaranteed to be placed on the same team as you
  • Player insurance is included


  • Pay Later: Payment is not required to complete registration and can be made later.
$660.00 CAD due at registration


Register online via HockeyShift

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